An itchy nose and burning eyes – people of all ages can be affected by a pollen allergy. But when should parents start watching out for signs of hay fever?
When and to what extent hay fever breaks out varies from person to person. A 40-year-old can suffer from it just as suddenly as a nine-year-old. But what about babies and young children? Is there a lower age limit when it comes to pollen allergies?
Pollen allergies – the influence of genetics
Where one or both parents are affected by hay fever, the child’s risk of developing the disease increases significantly. However, this does not guarantee that they will suffer a pollen allergy. The disease manifests itself through the well-known symptoms in just around one-third of those affected. As yet, it is not known why hay fever suddenly becomes noticeable and what exactly causes the allergy to break out.
Minimum age for hay fever
Overall, the number of children allergic to pollen is on the rise. Increased hygiene, better living conditions and climate change could be responsible for this increase. However, this has little effect on the minimum age of those affected: in general, the outbreak of hay fever can be observed from the age of two years.
What are the signs of an allergic reaction to pollen?
If your child often has sneezing attacks and a runny nose in spring and summer, this may indicate a pollen allergy. You should also pay attention to their eyes: watery and red eyes may also be signs of allergy-related eye inflammation caused by pollen.
Avoid having to pay attention to the pollen report
The sooner you discover hay fever in your child, the better the chance of a cure. If your child develops any of the above symptoms, it is recommended that you seek medical advice as soon as possible. Early desensitization has an 80% chance of curing the pollen allergy.
Do you have any questions? The doctors at the Medgate Tele Clinic would be happy to assist you.