Your bladder is constantly calling and you experience discomfort when urinating. How effective are home remedies against urinary tract infections – and when is a doctor’s visit recommended?
Urinary tract infections, also known as bladder infections or cystitis, are usually caused by bacteria entering the bladder through the urethra and disappear after a few days.
Many people resort to home remedies when they have a bladder infection; in fact, these can often help speed up the healing process. However, it’s important to keep an eye on the symptoms of cystitis: a complicated progression can lead to chronic complaints.
If you have a urinary tract infection, drink plenty
Drink about three to four liters of fluid a day to empty your bladder regularly – although going to the toilet is still uncomfortable, regular urination helps clear the lower urinary tract of bacteria.
You can take diuretic teas from the pharmacy or simply stick with water. The most important thing is how much you drink, not what you drink. Cranberry preparations are said to work well against urinary tract infections; so far, however, there is no clear scientific evidence to support this.
Experiencing pain during a bladder infection?
If you are experiencing intense pain during cystitis, applying heat to the affected body region can help: simply take a hot water bottle and place it on your abdomen.
If the pain increases, a mild analgesic such as ibuprofen may be worth considering. However, this should not be done without consulting a doctor.
When should I see a doctor due to cystitis?
You should recover from a regular bladder infection after a few days. If you continue to experience painful urination, you should contact a doctor.
If there is blood in your urine, you have a fever or your pelvic pain is getting worse, you should contact a doctor immediately. In this case, there is a risk of acute bladder inflammation or pyelitis. If left untreated, the latter can lead to serious complications such as blood poisoning and kidney failure.
Do you have any questions about urinary tract infections?
Then book a telemedical consultation via the Medgate app. Our doctors are happy to provide you with comprehensive advice and assistance.