Anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric?

Delicious, healthy, turmeric? If you believe in Ayurvedic medicine, then yes: The yellow tuber is often used as a spice in Asia, and is also a traditional remedy. But how healthy and anti-inflammatory is turmeric?

Various healing powers are attributed to this spice: Eliminating stomach pain, regulating cholesterol and fighting inflammation. While the properties attributed to turmeric (Curcuma longa) promise a lot, they have not yet been sufficiently scientifically investigated. However, there is already some medical knowledge about the medicinal properties of the plant.

Turmeric – the golden anti-inflammatory?

Researchers at Saarland University have been able to demonstrate how curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, works as an anti-inflammatory agent. It works by increasing the amount of an anti-inflammatory protein in the body. The exciting thing about it: the effect of curcumin in this study is comparable to that of cortisone. However, approval of curcumin for medical applications is still a long way off.


Curcumin – absorption of the active ingredient

If you want to take curcumin, you have a problem. The active substance is difficult for the human body to absorb. But taking pepper as well helps. Just a pinch of it increases the absorption of curcumin by a factor of 20. Fat can also help to successfully absorb the active ingredient.

Turmeric side effects

Turmeric is used in various curries and in dishes such as saffron risotto. The “turmeric latte” is also a trend drink at present. But even with turmeric you can have too much of a good thing. A daily intake of up to three grams of the powdered rhizome is recommended. Higher doses can cause nausea, gas, diarrhea and heartburn.

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